
Showing posts from 2011
I worship your feet Pierced and bleeding May the crimson drops Cleanse my soul Be with me always When I am sad And when I am glad When I am angry And when I am sorry When I am awake And when I am in wake Let my soul be your shrine And my life your benediction Dwell in Me The me I  do not know The me that belongs to you My brother My fellow traveler If this be travesty Punish me Or Let our father Decide THIS IS HERESY isn't it !!
When I am scared I think of you, When I am sad I think of you, When I am desolate I think of you. What I want now is to have you with me all the time Brother. When I am happy, When I am angry, When I am annoyed Be with me, Be my guide, You who are eternal Born of the same Mother

Sons of God

Most Holy Mother I cannot get that question off my mind. The question  about the "children of God." The point raised by my friend  was the meaning of John 1:12-13. "But to as many as received him he gave the power of becoming sons of God: to those who believed in his name: who were born  not of blood, nor of the will of of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" Like much of John, this statement is rather obscure and complex  in its implications. Jesus was the only "begotten son" of God. "But who do you say that I am?" Peter answered him, "You are Christ, the Son of the living God". Jesus replied: "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah". (Mat 16:15-17). Disregarding the adoptionist approach for the moment (that Jesus was fully human born of Joseph to Mary and 'adopted' by God at baptism), we need to accept that "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever beli
Mother. A friend of mine about the children of God in John 1:12-13. I came to you yesterday, you did not give me any answer. The question was not about the children of the most high. It was rather like this - are the children of god human or god? As I understood the question, it is rather like asking do the children of God inherit the proprieties of god-rather similar to classes and inheritance. I answered No, with a big N. But I need to know and write I will.
Why are you shown as so sad a the time?  Madonna in sorrow. As the famous followers say.
Holy Mother This communication comes after a long time. Not that I have  been remiss in my love for you. Nor have You been ever away from me I wanted to think about all that You have taught me With out Teacher as I am, this is a heavy task You set me Mother. I draw upon Your never ending love for Your children In my struggle to understand your meaning. Much of what You taught me, No, much of what You allowed me to glimpse Elude me, with a vagueness that I cannot grasp. I do not ask You questions any more. Your answers are more baffling than my questions. Most importantly however,  this one question continues to haunt me- Why me?


Holy of Holy Creator of the aeons Mother, Father and Son combined, You have left me so confused. Why did you allow me to experience part of the process of the ultimate agony? And then why did you let me come away physically unharmed, but with the realization that the true agony of the cross is the utter helplessness of the son of man. About the Son of God, I am sure you will teach me soon.. Maybe I will survive that lesson. Why me? What did I do deserve this agony?  I cannot sleep, I cannot rest, I cannot take my mind away from you. I know, I know, "You did not choose me, I chose you" (John 15:16). Why? What fruit can I possibly bear Dearest Mother. (You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.); I never asked for anything in the name you mention in John 15:16. And yet I say with Him, Thy Will be done, Not mine (Mark 14:35,36)

The Experience

Dearest Mother I waited one week before even attempting to put into mere words what you made endure, with indescribable happiness, the day the Lent began. I have no words adequate enough to describe what you revealed to me. The experience of the cross is beyond words. Not because of the pain. That is what you taught me. Not because of the brutal end. That is what you told me, Barbelo. The agony of the cross is utter, hopeless helplessness. I was pinned down and surrounded by a great meaningless noise. I could not move. Not even a finger. The pain in the hands and feet left no mark, nor pain after the event. However I realized the everlasting meaning of the cry "Eli Eli" (Book of Psalms 22:2-3, Mark 15:34, Mat 27:46). Who would fail to understand the "lama sabachthani". But, dear Mother, why did you choose to let me into the secret? I am so unworthy of this honor.