
Showing posts from 2013

The Lost Sheep

The Lost Sheep Once upon a time, long ago, there lived a shepherd. And he had one hundred excellent sheep. One of the sheep though good and obedient Was deaf and blind. Whenever the shepherd took his sheep out to graze The poor blind sheep would get lost And the kind shepherd would pet him And tell him it's all right. This went on day after day after day And the shepherd finally lost his temper And cursed the sheep Which was blind and Deaf The curse was that from now on You, miserable creature, From now on You are on your own. And little blind sheep was sad He couldn't hear the words He couldn't see his Master But he could feel the anger in the air. And the anger made him sad He thought it must be his fault. Being deaf and blind And forever wandering off from the flock. And the shepherd was happy With his nine and ninety sheep That were perfect in eye and ear And never gave him much bother. Next day when they went to graze The master n

Hope and Prayer

Holy Mother You looked resplendent today, Happy,elated and smiling I am so glad You realized my predicament The crimson candles melt away to nothingness at your holy feet I watch with hands folded in silent prayer You understand the meaning of Today. You have given your promise. I leave my hopes in your blessed hands Mother of the world. I place all my faith in you And my everlasting love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8-May-2013
Divine Mother Holy Mother Many are your names Many your manifestations Limitless your love And your kindness My true  Mother My worship is without condition My devotion to you flows down the eons All knowing Mother of the universe All embracing Mother of Creation Your children thrive in your care Take care of her. She is your beloved, Although she doesn't realize it yet. You are the great healer Take care of her. You are Love Love Her as you love all of us. You called me a week ago After a long time The three candles of creation, sustenance and dissolution Burned at your feet I bleed as the wax. Take care of her Holy of Holies.


The Holy week has begun. The long wait of the lent draws to a climax. My brother and teacher-forgive me for this year I cannot come to your temple in physical person. But I see you. And I see our Mother.
Holy Mother This Year I am unable to come to you for the Easter. You know why. I will not be able to keep vigil over my brother. But my mind and heart is with you All the time.