Hallowed Mother.
Bearer of Eternal Mysteries.

You are with me always.
Your love cocoons me.
I am embalmed in your compassion.

Mother of Everything
How did I survive all these years without realizing you !

You touched my soul and my life changed. I can feel you within me day and night. You even changed the way I write. Now words of endearment come to me naturally, with the sweetness of a mother's love.

Divine witness at Golgotha ! How can you not love mankind. You who were born to bear the Totality and to bear silent witness to the Final Fusion on the Cross and then vanish forever without a word.

But now I know. You never vanished. You stayed on Invisibly to sustain the world and all its creatures. To teach the meaning and anguish of selfless Love.

How did I fail to see you all these years. But then Eternity is such a long time, maybe these few years do not count.


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